宅总爱世人李四爱宅总“You found me”和“keep yourself alive,Harold,I'll be coming for you"是我在美剧中听到的最美的两句情话POI的本质其实是个格局无比大的恋爱片讲述的是“昨夜西风凋碧树”边上楼梯边做高h是“衣带渐宽终不悔”边上楼梯边做高h是“众里寻他千百度”
真他么个人悲剧You never really knew when he was going to come to see you .You just lived in a room alone and you knew nothing about him. And if you loved him and were patient with him and even though he didn't dare ever tell you anything about him personally. Even though he may have loved you, would you go back to him?Well, how would I know that he loved me?